Battolyser explanimation
A commissioned animation for Battolyser Systems BV, an energy startup from Rotterdam.
A commissioned animation for Battolyser Systems BV, an energy startup from Rotterdam.
Editing and animating a whiteboard animation illustrated, produced and commissioned by Bord & Stift.
Music production for a Dutch short by Caylee Nielen film produced by Korrel Film.
Production of an animation explaining the effects of stress, commissioned by Bain Amsterdam.
This explanimation, commissioned by CodArts, was crafted to engage and inform students about the student […]
Sound design for psychometric game designed by IXLY to collect personality data about the player.
Animation and design explaining the Wakuli coffee brand, used in their kickstarter campaign
Sound design and foley for the promotional clips for The Social Garden.
Design and animation work for the game “Condomwise” commissioned by the UN. The aim of the game is to raise STD awareness and collect data about how much young people know about safe sex.
Commissioned by the Nederlandse Vereniging van Diëtisten, this project involved animation and motion design by […]